From the city of Dar es Salaam Tanzania is where we find a 22 years old talented designer,AGNESS NYAOGA.Ofcourse she is talented as you can see her works in the gallery below.Agness set foot in the fashion industry back in 2014 a a model and then started designing where by she was among the top 10 finalists of the Swahili Fashion week awards 2016 Emerging designer competition.This collection at first appeared on the MARASHI YA PWANI FASHION SHOW and the SWAHILI FASHION WEEK 2016 runways.

Agness Nyaoga showcasing at the Swahili fashion week(emerging designer competition)
"The COMFORT collection is insipred by the term confortability,as I see people I get ideas on what can that people wear to look better according to her body shape and look" says Agness.
If you are interested to have any piece from the COMFORT collection just dial or sms +25562846801
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