Homemade facial masks for anti-aging involve the use of foods, essential oils, herbs and other natural components to fight the ‘culprits’ of aging skin. These recipes help in smoothing the wrinkles and preventing their appearance. They also tighten the drooping skin. The nutrients, proteins and minerals help tighten the collagen fibers and improve the regeneration of skin cells.
If you don’t know how to get started, here’s help! This is a natural recipe to get rid of wrinkles.
Ingredients: 1 egg, 1 tea spoon of olive oil, ½ lemon (optional)
Material: a container, a whip
- Separate the white of egg yolk.
- Put the yellow aside (do not throw, use in for another recipe)
- Beat the white until frothy.
- Add some olive oil and lemon juice. Mix.
- Gently apply the mask on the face, avoiding the eye area.
- Leave on for 30 minutes.
- Rinse your face with cold water.
- Dry with a clean towel.
Apply mask once or twice per week
So, now you have this homemade facial mask to fight wrinkles, all the best for a glowing wrinkle free skin!
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